Kamis, 14 Maret 2013

1.       TIME
a.       Drawing a Hand
Example: Draw a hand for this clock!
                             A half past four
Description: D:\My Document\Documents\BOOK\The_Express_Picture_Dictionary_Clipcards\level1\5\5_1_21.bmp
b.      Telling the Time
Description: D:\My Document\Documents\BOOK\The_Express_Picture_Dictionary_Clipcards\level1\5\5_1_21.bmpExample:                                                                          What time is it? It’s ten minutes to three  


c.       Spelling the Time
Example:   15. 45  How do you spell this clock? It’s forty five minutes past three P.M
d.      Write the Number
Example: The number of a twenty five minutes past two A.M. is 02.25
e.      Half, Past, To, a Quarter Past and a Quarter To
Description: D:\My Document\Documents\BOOK\The_Express_Picture_Dictionary_Clipcards\level1\5\5_1_3.bmpExample:                                          How do you spell the clock?  Ten minutes past one

f.        Complete the story about the Daily Activities
Example: You can see the example on your worksheet (time)
                             Start from get up (bangun tidur) until do activities

g.       Reading
Example: You can see the example on your E.D.T (Time)
h.      Jumbled Words
Example: his – Dewa – before – shower – brushes – always – taking – a - teeth
                             The correct arrangement is Dewa always brushes his teeth before taking a

2.       BIRTHDAY
a.       Days
Example: Tomorrow is Wednesday. Today is Tuesday
b.      Months
Example: The second month is a February
c.       Year
Example: The spelling of 2012 is two thousand and twelve
d.      Important Events
Example: The Education Day is on May 2nd
e.      Dialogue
Example: When is your birthday, Do? I am on March 12th, 2003
f.        Writing Section
Example: There are twelve months in a year. They are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December.
g.       Reading
Example: You can see the example on your Worksheet
h.      Description: D:\My Document\Documents\BOOK\The_Express_Picture_Dictionary_Clipcards\level1\5\5_2_27.bmpOrdinal Number
Example:                                          Is it twenty two? No, it is a twenty second

i.         Describing
Example: You can see the example on your English handbook
3.       CLOTHES
a.       Description: D:\My Document\Documents\BOOK\The_Express_Picture_Dictionary_Clipcards\level1\2\2_3_13.bmpVocabularies
Example:                                             What is it? It is a necklace

You can see on your worksheet
b.      Season
Description: http://fwallpapers.com/files/imagecache/1152x864/images/winter-season-6.jpgExample:                                                          What’s the season today, Din? Today is a winter

Description: http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTOj3_Y0eE_TkhBaj7vpp6VFZ4C2LSNLAq91QtufFQl5TpmvuBB
Description: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjRWq-RZchJekvoYRHn8k1ju-vahdodwWKW_zq0N_RGVf9-yW-sEdvCUJ_38A8chqWs8b8GnS7NN863k_xN1wCC4Dv0Gk8YA8K_Y1dWRconmfXbDjvzK7Vmh-YQ51-AyM6v2SktVMJgNOI/s1600/musim+semi.jpg
Description: http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRMv97mXUH0rL3J5o4MmV44XW8AXHE5IJjQurjB3CWN_B0kuLr1

c.       Reading
d.      Description: D:\My Document\Documents\BOOK\The_Express_Picture_Dictionary_Clipcards\level1\2\2_5_26.bmpWriting Section
Example:                                                          Describe about this person’s clothes and accessories!
1.       He is wearing a tie
2.       He is wearing trousers
3.       He is wearing shoes
4.       He is wearing a belt

e.      Identify the Picture
Example: You can see the example on your E.D.T part B number 7-8
f.        Jumbled Words
Example: always – a – Hikmil – blue – afternoon – t-shirt – the – in - wears
The correct arrangement is Hikmil always wears a blue t-shirt in the afternoon

1.       TOYS
a.       Jumbled Letter
Example: o – b – t – o – R
                        The correct word is Robot
b.      Jumbled Words
Example: a – Bobo – at – shop – hula hoop – Toy – buys - a
                        The correct arrangement is Bobo buys a hula hoop at a Toy shop
c.       Vocabularies
Description: http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2009/jul/Z92_Toy-car2.jpgExample:                                     What is it? it is a toy car

d.      Question Words
Example:                is your doll? It is in my bag.
                        The correct question word is Where
e.      Description
Example: It is a toy. It has four wheels. It has a lamp. It is a Toy car
f.        Reading
Example: The Text is like on Reading Worksheet (Toys)
2.       ADJECTIVE
a.       Structure (color,like and likes)
Example: Nanda suka buku yang berwarna hijau
                        Translate into English! Nanda likes a green book
b.      Antonym/Opposite
Example: The opposite of blunt is sharp
c.       Abridgement
Example: Arfin          : It is a pencil. It is a cheap
                        Ditra      : So it is a cheap pencil
d.      Description: D:\My Document\Documents\BOOK\The_Express_Picture_Dictionary_Clipcards\level1\2\2_5_25.bmpDialogue
Example:                                            Rani: Is he a fat boy?
                                                               Icha : No, he isn’t, he is a thin

e.      Question using Which
Example: Donez likes a thick book.
                        Which book does Donez like? The thick one
f.        Jumbled Words
Example: likes – Mrs. Bintang – good – a – house
                        The correct arrangement is Mrs. Bintang likes a good house
a.       Description
Example: It is a place. It is used for saving money. It s a bank

b.      Dialogue
Description: D:\My Document\Documents\BOOK\The_Express_Picture_Dictionary_Clipcards\level1\2\2_5_24.bmpExample:                                        Melfin                : What do you think about this boy?
                                                            Refalin              :   he is a short

c.       Describe Picture or Person
Example: Write three descriptions about your favorite person!
                        Name : my mother
1.       She is a beautiful
2.       She is a kind
3.       She is a patient
a.       Vocabularies
Description: http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/gallery/b/bakery.jpgExample:                          What is it? It is a bakery

b.      Description
Example: it is a place. It is used for sending letters. It is a post office
c.       Jumbled Words
Example: books – Reina – a – Bookshop – buys – at
                        The correct arrangement is Reina buys books at a Bookshop
d.      Jumbled Letters
Example: u – r – e – h – B – t – c
                        The correct word is Butcher
a.       Description: tanda lalu lintas, tanda jalan, perisai, lalu lintasVocabularies
Example:                                     What is it? it is a turn right

See on your dictionary “traffic signs”
b.      Reading a Map
Example: You can see on your Worksheet (direction)

1.       TOYS
a.       Jumbled Letter
Example: o – b – t – o – R
                        The correct word is Robot
b.      Jumbled Words
Example: a – Bobo – at – shop – hula hoop – Toy – buys - a
                        The correct arrangement is Bobo buys a hula hoop at a Toy shop
c.       Vocabularies
Description: http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2009/jul/Z92_Toy-car2.jpgExample:                                     What is it? it is a toy car

d.      Question Words
Example:                is your doll? It is in my bag.
                        The correct question word is Where
e.      Description
Example: It is a toy. It has four wheels. It has a lamp. It is a Toy car
f.        Reading
Example: The Text is like on Reading Worksheet (Toys)
2.       ADJECTIVE
a.       Structure (color,like and likes)
Example: Nanda suka buku yang berwarna hijau
                        Translate into English! Nanda likes a green book
b.      Antonym/Opposite
Example: The opposite of blunt is sharp
c.       Abridgement
Example: Arfin          : It is a pencil. It is a cheap
                        Ditra      : So it is a cheap pencil
d.      Description: D:\My Document\Documents\BOOK\The_Express_Picture_Dictionary_Clipcards\level1\2\2_5_25.bmpDialogue
Example:                                            Rani: Is he a fat boy?
                                                               Icha : No, he isn’t, he is a thin

e.      Question using Which
Example: Donez likes a thick book.
                        Which book does Donez like? The thick one
f.        Jumbled Words
Example: likes – Mrs. Bintang – good – a – house
                        The correct arrangement is Mrs. Bintang likes a good house
a.       Description
Example: It is a place. It is used for saving money. It s a bank

b.      Dialogue
Description: D:\My Document\Documents\BOOK\The_Express_Picture_Dictionary_Clipcards\level1\2\2_5_24.bmpExample:                                        Melfin                : What do you think about this boy?
                                                            Refalin              :   he is a short

c.       Describe Picture or Person
Example: Write three descriptions about your favorite person!
                        Name : my mother
1.       She is a beautiful
2.       She is a kind
3.       She is a patient
a.       Vocabularies
Description: http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/gallery/b/bakery.jpgExample:                          What is it? It is a bakery

b.      Description
Example: it is a place. It is used for sending letters. It is a post office
c.       Jumbled Words
Example: books – Reina – a – Bookshop – buys – at
                        The correct arrangement is Reina buys books at a Bookshop
d.      Jumbled Letters
Example: u – r – e – h – B – t – c
                        The correct word is Butcher
a.       Description: tanda lalu lintas, tanda jalan, perisai, lalu lintasVocabularies
Example:                                     What is it? it is a turn right

See on your dictionary “traffic signs”
b.      Reading a Map
Example: You can see on your Worksheet (direction)