Jumat, 29 November 2013

The Lattice of Final Exam (Class 3)

1.     Things in the office
a.       Vocabularies, ex. Computer, printer, laptop, paperclips, etc.
b.      Preposition, ex. In, on, under, behind, beside, between, in front of, over, etc
c.       Jumbled letters / words
Ex. t – o – C – p – r – e – m – u. The correct word is a computer.
d.      Pronoun as subject or possessive
Ex. Atras has a new laptop. … is a red colour.
      The correct missing pronoun is it
e.      Dialogue (Borrowing and lending)
Ex. Deva   : … ?
Dila             : I’m sorry, I’m using it (printer)
      The suitable question is can I borrow your printer?
Ex. Ithut   : can I borrow your computer?
Adib           : …
Ithut          : thank you.
      The suitable response is sure, here you are
f.        Reading a picture
g.       Dialogue (where …? )
Ex. Rafi      : …?
Ama           : my printer is on the table.
      The suitable question is where is your printer?
2.     Activities at park
a.       Vocabularies, ex. Swinging, playing a slide, playing a frisbee etc.
b.      Present tense and present continous
Ex. Dinda  : … ?
Shandy: I am playing a frisbee. What are you doing?
c.       Interrogatives (who, what, where, when, why, how)
Ex. Niken plays a marble at park on Tuesday evening
d.      Jumbled words
Ex. are – a – Ayu – playing – Ryan – and – see saw
      Arrange these words into a correct sentence!
Ryan and Ayu are playing a see saw
e.      Reading text
f.        Toys. (reasoning)
Ex. it is a toy. it is fun to cuddle. It is a teddy bear
Ex. it is a toy. it is a tiny like a person. It is a doll
Ex. It is a toy. it can fly on windy days. It is a kite. Etc.
3.     Public places and Direction
a.       Traffic signs. Ex. crossroad, turn left, turn right, T- Junction, etc.
b.      Vocabularies (Public places)
c.       Jumbled letter
Ex. o – Z – o. The correct word is a Zoo
d.      Public place (reasoning)
Ex. It is a public place. It is a religious place of Christian worship. It is a Church
e.      Dialogue
Ex. Riza     : where are you going?
      Reza     : I want to buy meat at a butcher
4.       Spelling the alphabet
       Ex. Nibras  : How do you spell your name?
              Rani      : a:r- ei – en – ai
              The word of spelling is Rani
5.  Telling the place where you come from and where you were born
     Ex. Lintang   : ….. were you born?
            Putri      : I was born in Bojonegoro
           The suitable question word is Where
6.       Using “have” and “has”
       Ex. Bintang ……… a new skateboard.
             The missing word is has
7.       Using “can” and “can’t”
       Name           Play a flute     play a piano       play a guitar
       Arfin                  x                          v                         x
       Juna                   v                         v                          x

        Ex. Who can’t play a flute? Arfin
              Can Juna play a guitar? No, he can’t
            Who can play a piano? Arfin and Juna
8.     Function of part of face
       Ex. Reina can ………………. a beautiful scenery with her eyes.
             The suitable verb is see
9.       On the farm
a.       Vocabularies
Ex. Mr. Alvan is a farmer. He makes a ……………………………… to chase away birds.
      The suitable word is scarecrow
b.      The house of animal
Ex. The chicken lay their eggs in the chicken coop
c.       Subject and verb agreement
Ex. Rere (play) ……………… a basketball in the school yard.
      The corect verb in the bracket is plays
10.  Telling a time
newmap2.jpgEx. The number of twenty to nine is 08.40
     The word of 10.45 is Quarter to eleven

The Lattice of Final Exam (class 4)

The topics that should be learned:
1. Expressing greeting and introduction
     Ex. Dylan     : hi, ..................... evening
            Aldo      : hello, god evening
            The missing word is good
2. pronoun (subject pronoun, pronoun as object, possessive adjective and possessive pronoun)
    Ex. Rayen and Rezha are a kind boy. .............. always help me.
          The suitable subject pronoun is they
3. to be (present and past)
    Ex. Raya and Bryan ... a diligent boy.
           The suitable auxiliary verb is are
4. singular and plural
    Ex.  A policeman catches a thief in the street. There are  many ................ in the police station now.
           The missing word is thieves
5. Asking for things
    Ex. Ryan wants to buy a snack in the canteen. But, it is closed. Valient has many snacks. How does he ask for a snack?
          can you give me a snack,please?
6. Asking for help
     Ex. The kitchen is very dirty. How does your mother ask for your help?
            Can you clean the kitchen?
7. asking for apology
    Ex. Via lost Yoga's paper. How does she ask for apology?
          I'm sorry, i accidentally lost your paper
8. asking and telling time
    Ex. THe number of twenty to eight is 07.40
9. using it's time to and it's time for
    Ex. it's 14.30. it's time to .......................
          The suitable phrase is go home
10. parting
       Ex. JOshy   : see you tomorrow
              Joshua : ,..............
             the suitable response is see you too
11. expressing prohibition
      Ex. There are monkeys in the zoo. they are sick because they eat unhealthy food. How does the officer prohibit the visitor?
            Don't feed the animal!
12. using transitive and intransitive verb
      Ex. Lita ............... the car every morning.
            THe suitable verb is washes
13. expressing an imperative
      Ex. It's very noisy in the living room. Okky plays a computer game loudly, whereas grandmother wants to take a nap. How does she 
             instruct him? turn off your computer!
14. using linking verb
     Ex. Dinda is singing. Her voice .................. wonderful.
           The suitable linking verb is sounds
15. giving compliment
      Ex. Niken    : What do you think about my spectacles?
             Thalita : it's great. you look nice in it
16. gerund
       Ex. My father likes ..................... in the river.
             The suitable verb is fishing
17. inviting someone to do thing
       Ex. Riza   : what's your hobby?
             Rezha : my hobby is chatting with Miss Nichole
             Riza    : phew, same with me
             How does Riza invite Rezha to chat with Miss Nichole? let's chat with Miss  Nichole!
18. hobby
      Ex. Deva likes reading a book story. What is her hobby? reading
19. present tense and past tense
      Ex. Sely always ...................... to school with Chacha everyday.
             The suitable verb is goes
20. present continous and past continous
       Ex. Hikmal is ................................ a cup of coffee in the kitchen.
             The suitable verb is making
21. interrogative
       Ex. Atras    : .......................... is sleeping in the classroom now?
             Harrier  : Ika is sleeping in the classroom now.
              The suitable question word is who
22. function parts of face 
       Ex. Ijah has an arm ache. she can't ...................... a bag with her hands.
             The suitable verb is bring

Kamis, 14 Maret 2013

1.       TIME
a.       Drawing a Hand
Example: Draw a hand for this clock!
                             A half past four
Description: D:\My Document\Documents\BOOK\The_Express_Picture_Dictionary_Clipcards\level1\5\5_1_21.bmp
b.      Telling the Time
Description: D:\My Document\Documents\BOOK\The_Express_Picture_Dictionary_Clipcards\level1\5\5_1_21.bmpExample:                                                                          What time is it? It’s ten minutes to three  


c.       Spelling the Time
Example:   15. 45  How do you spell this clock? It’s forty five minutes past three P.M
d.      Write the Number
Example: The number of a twenty five minutes past two A.M. is 02.25
e.      Half, Past, To, a Quarter Past and a Quarter To
Description: D:\My Document\Documents\BOOK\The_Express_Picture_Dictionary_Clipcards\level1\5\5_1_3.bmpExample:                                          How do you spell the clock?  Ten minutes past one

f.        Complete the story about the Daily Activities
Example: You can see the example on your worksheet (time)
                             Start from get up (bangun tidur) until do activities

g.       Reading
Example: You can see the example on your E.D.T (Time)
h.      Jumbled Words
Example: his – Dewa – before – shower – brushes – always – taking – a - teeth
                             The correct arrangement is Dewa always brushes his teeth before taking a

2.       BIRTHDAY
a.       Days
Example: Tomorrow is Wednesday. Today is Tuesday
b.      Months
Example: The second month is a February
c.       Year
Example: The spelling of 2012 is two thousand and twelve
d.      Important Events
Example: The Education Day is on May 2nd
e.      Dialogue
Example: When is your birthday, Do? I am on March 12th, 2003
f.        Writing Section
Example: There are twelve months in a year. They are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December.
g.       Reading
Example: You can see the example on your Worksheet
h.      Description: D:\My Document\Documents\BOOK\The_Express_Picture_Dictionary_Clipcards\level1\5\5_2_27.bmpOrdinal Number
Example:                                          Is it twenty two? No, it is a twenty second

i.         Describing
Example: You can see the example on your English handbook
3.       CLOTHES
a.       Description: D:\My Document\Documents\BOOK\The_Express_Picture_Dictionary_Clipcards\level1\2\2_3_13.bmpVocabularies
Example:                                             What is it? It is a necklace

You can see on your worksheet
b.      Season
Description: http://fwallpapers.com/files/imagecache/1152x864/images/winter-season-6.jpgExample:                                                          What’s the season today, Din? Today is a winter

Description: http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTOj3_Y0eE_TkhBaj7vpp6VFZ4C2LSNLAq91QtufFQl5TpmvuBB
Description: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjRWq-RZchJekvoYRHn8k1ju-vahdodwWKW_zq0N_RGVf9-yW-sEdvCUJ_38A8chqWs8b8GnS7NN863k_xN1wCC4Dv0Gk8YA8K_Y1dWRconmfXbDjvzK7Vmh-YQ51-AyM6v2SktVMJgNOI/s1600/musim+semi.jpg
Description: http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRMv97mXUH0rL3J5o4MmV44XW8AXHE5IJjQurjB3CWN_B0kuLr1

c.       Reading
d.      Description: D:\My Document\Documents\BOOK\The_Express_Picture_Dictionary_Clipcards\level1\2\2_5_26.bmpWriting Section
Example:                                                          Describe about this person’s clothes and accessories!
1.       He is wearing a tie
2.       He is wearing trousers
3.       He is wearing shoes
4.       He is wearing a belt

e.      Identify the Picture
Example: You can see the example on your E.D.T part B number 7-8
f.        Jumbled Words
Example: always – a – Hikmil – blue – afternoon – t-shirt – the – in - wears
The correct arrangement is Hikmil always wears a blue t-shirt in the afternoon