Kamis, 08 Desember 2011
The Lattice of Final Exam for Class 2 (Kisi-kisi UAS)
Topics that should be learned:
1. Numbers
ex. she has fourteen teddy bears, then Riki gives her four teddy bears. How many teddy bears does she have? it’s eighteen
ex. what is eight minus four? it’s four
ex. what is two times three? it’s six
ex. what is ten divide ten? it’s one
2. Fruits & vegetables
Singular & Plural
ex. there … nine apples in the fridge. The answer is are
... there a potato on the table?. The answer is is
Affirmative, Negative & Interrogative sentence
ex. there isn’t a cauliflower on the table.
The affirmative sentence is there is a cauliflower on the table.
ex. Is there a cauliflower on the table?. The kind of sentence is interrogative sentence.
ex. there are three oranges in the Oki’s bag.
Translate into Indonesia! Ada tiga jeruk didalam tas milik Oki.
Ada sepuluh nanas didalam kulkas.
Translate into English! There are ten pineapples in the fridge.
3. Animals (On the farm and In the zoo)
Affirmative, Negative & Interrogative sentence
ex. There is a monkey in my house.
The negative sentence is there isn’t a monkey in my house
Jumbled sentence
ex. twenty - are – cats – there – the – zoo – in.
Arrange these words into good sentence! There are twenty cats in the zoo.
ex. Ada dua puluh tiga sapi di kebun binatang.
Translate into English! There are twenty three cows in the zoo.
4. Transportation
ex. Write a description about the bus!
1. it has four tires 3. it has a lamp
2. it has a door 4. it has a window
Language function
- How do you go to school? I go to school by helicopter
The truck is … the land. The answer is on
5. Toys
Question words (who, what, where, how old, when, who)
ex. … do you like Atrisah? because she is very beautiful
The suitable question word is why
Jumbled word
ex. rocking – do – horse – a - ? – have – you.
Arrange these words into good sentence! do you have a rocking horse?
Kind of sentence (affirmative, negative or interrogative sentence)
ex. do you have a doll?. The kind of sentence is interrogative sentence.
Language function
ex. what is this?
this is a yoyo
6. Adjective
ex. I am fat. fat means gemuk
ex. she is beautiful. The opposite of beautiful is ugly.
Language function
ex. I am big but you are … the answer is small
7. Description
Description of thing
ex. it is a transportation tool. It has two tires. It has a saddle. What is it? it is a bike
Description of person
ex. I am a male. I am fat. I am religion teacher. Who am I? you are Mr. Zakun
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